Seeking to be a grace-filled family of faith sharing Christ's love with all.

Our values that will help us reach our vision:

  • Glorify God: Glorify and praise God through worship, discipling, sharing faith and serving with love.

Achieving the vision God has set for us begins and ends here. This is the reason we exist. Everything we do, from worship to Christian Education to mission, should first and foremost glorify God. If it doesn’t, we should probably be doing something else that does. But we need to be more specific than that, which is why our second value is . . .

  • Show Compassion: Compassion expressed as care and concern for all

One of the primary ways we glorify God is by showing compassion to others, especially the least, as Jesus teaches us in Matthew 25 . Whether we are caring for our own members who are going through tough times or reaching out through our various mission teams to care for the suffering and the marginalized outside of our walls, compassion is what drives us. But we also know that compassion alone is not enough. That’s why number 3 is . . .

  • Share Hospitality: Inclusive hospitality through welcome, acceptance and fellowship

If we are to be an authentic family of faith, then we need to be as intentional about welcoming the stranger as Jesus was in his own ministry. That means welcoming others, especially those who are different, including those who don’t look like us, live like us or love like us. In these divisive times, hospitality may be one of the more difficult values to practice with consistency and integrity. The true test of hospitality is how we carry it forward by forging bonds that join us to each other. That’s why number 4 is . . .

  • Nurture Relationships: Nurture relationships through respect, support and communication

If we are going to share Christ’s love with all, it has to start by sharing his love with one another, here in this body of Christ. Everyone needs to feel part of this family of faith and joined with one another, whether young or old, long-time member or newcomer, Gathering worshiper or Meeting House worshiper. This takes an intentional effort to build relationships that are not only respectful, but mutual, caring and loving. We all have God-given gifts to put to work for God’s purposes through the Silver Spring family of faith, which is why number 5 is . . .

  • Steward God’s Gifts: Faithful stewardship of all God’s gifts

This means recognizing that all that we are and all that we have is a blessing from God. Out of gratitude and joy, we are willing and eager to commit our time, talent and treasure to God’s work here at SSPC. We encourage and support each other in putting their gifts to work here, too. That is how we all mature in our faith and grow closer to God and one another.

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